5 Reels You Can Create in 5 Minutes in Canva

Your Template Club - 5 Reels You Can Create in 5 Minutes in Canva - Instagram Reels Canva Templates

Creating Instagram Reels as a small business owner might FEEL like a huge task. We get it. There are always trends to jump on. You feel like you have to look picture perfect to show your face on video. You feel like you don’t know how to edit video.

But it doesn’t have to be that hard!!

We can accomplish Instagram Reels content creation all inside of Canva (a software you already know and love) and it can all be done in minutes… not hours!!

Let’s dive into 5 different Instagram Reels you can create for your small business, and let’s make content creation a whole lot easier!

Number One - Tweet Graphic Reel

These are some of the most popular, and powerful, Reels to create on Instagram right now!! Yes, it is a bit silly that content from another social media platform like Twitter performs so well when cross promoted onto another platform.

All you need is something powerful to say, and the good thing is that it doesn’t have to be long. Typically shorter than a sentence, and maybe up to two sentences if you need it. You just need to deliver a quick message to your audience with this powerful short form video format.

And you might be thinking - “I don’t have time for Instagram, let alone a Twitter account!”

But don’t worry, we don’t want you going out of your way and wasting time and energy on another social media platform. We can re-create this type of content all inside of Canva!

Inside of our “Reels Meme” Canva template pack, we have templates optimized for text only tweet posts, image tweet posts, and GIF tweet posts. These are optimized and ready to go for you PLUS they have prompts if you are having a bit of writer’s block!

Number Two - Text On Screen Reel

This is another simple, text based, Instagram Reel that you can create, but with a bit more wiggle room when it comes to delivering your message. You aren’t as confined to a look or feel of another platform, you have design freedom and a bit more character space to write a longer message to your audience.

These types of Reels work really well when you pair them with a trending song, or a popular audio that is related to the subject matter of your text.

You need just two things for this type of Reel to create it in Canva. Some type of video, and then text on top. And the best part, if you have Canva Pro they have a TON of stock videos for you to choose from if you struggle with taking videos for your small business. 

And again, if you are struggling with what to say, or unsure of how to design them for your brand, we have the “Thoughtful Reels” Canva template pack. When you grab this pack you will be able to customize over 22 different Reels with your branding!! Create one in a matter of minutes, or create them all in one sweep in an hour or two and have months worth of Instagram Reels videos!

Number Three - List Reel

A few years back we saw a surge of “infographics” or “lists” that quickly taught our followers something through quick tips, checklists, and simple visuals. These were (and still are) scattered all over the explore tab in Instagram. 

So - let’s take a powerful format and transform it into a short form video. The best part about this, if you have created this content on Instagram before, you can easily transform old high performing posts for this method. Or if you create content in other places like a newsletter, blog, YouTube channel, etc. this is a great way to repurpose some of your content!

While this type of content is still very easy to create in Canva, it is a bit more design intensive than the other two Reels mentioned above. If you don’t feel like starting from scratch, and you want a bit of strategy built in, the Reels List” Canva template pack is for you!

Number Four - Quote Reel

Similar to the Tweet Reel mentioned above, we want to deliver a powerful statement to our audience, but this time… make it shorter and draw in an emotion from your followers. How can you inspire or motivate? How can you make them laugh or maybe shift their perspective?

And the way you can put a spin on this to stand out, is to have more of a bold design compared to the simplicity of a Tweet Reel.

We have some super fun and unique ways of delivering our quote posts through our “Moving Messages” Instagram Reels Canva Template pack. This pack combines the power of quotes, with a fun and unique, collage design to really help you stop the scroll and boost your engagement. 

Number Five - Notification Reel

This is a trend that has recently become popular on Reels, and rather than having to take the time to create these types of notes on your own or try and screen shot these notifications, we can make it a ton easier in Canva. 

These work really well as your followers are scrolling through their feed, or potential new followers come across this video in the Reels feed, because it is so eye-catching and unique. With this fun design trend you can really get people to think about a specific topic in a new way, share your story or expertise, or share your unique perspective in such a short time frame.

And again, if you don’t want to start from scratch… we’ve got you! Our “Reels Notes and Notifications” Canva template pack takes care of the design work AND has such fun prompts and ways to present information to your audience! 


Create Instagram Reels Content In Minutes

… oh! and increase engagement!!

Grab some of our best selling Reels Canva templates, or pick a few from the blog post above!!


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Manu Muraro is the founder of Your Social Team, an Instagram training membership and template shop that help social media managers and Instagram-savvy small business owners to grow engagement and sales using Instagram and content marketing, without the overwhelm. Born and raised in Brazil, Manu moved to the U.S. in 2000 right out of college to work for Cartoon Network, where she made an award winning career in creative and strategy. In 2021, Manu started Your Template Club, a Canva template subscription service to help social media professionals and Canva-savvy business owners to create content that performs on Instagram, add more Instagram features into their strategy, such as Instagram Lives and Reels, and save time.


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