How to Remove The Background from Your Image with Precision inside Canva

Let’s say you have a beautiful image of yourself or of your product… and the background, well, it’s less than ideal! Or maybe you want to use just a certain part of an image in your Canva design.

The background remover tool inside of Canva ensures that you:

  • DON’T need expensive and complicated software like photoshop

  • SAVE TIME by quickly removing the background for you

  • PRECISELY have an image with a clean background with tools to help you make adjustments

This tool literally does it all… it can save the day!! Don’t believe me? Just take a look at the example below!!

Your Template Club - How to Remove The Background from Your Image with Precision inside Canva - Canva Templates for Instagram
Your Template Club - How to Remove The Background from Your Image with Precision inside Canva - Canva Templates for Instagram

Ready to figure out how this magic, background remover tool works, so you can create custom designs in Canva for your Instagram posts?!

Video Tutorial: How to Remove the Background From Your Images in Canva

Now that you know how to remove the background from your images, take a look at some of our best-selling Canva templates that will take this feature, and your designs to the next level!

P.S. If you are a member of Your Template Club, you can find all of these templates when you log in to the portal. 

READY TO START DESIGNING NOW THAT YOU know how to remove the background of your images IN CANVA?

You can grab our favorite Canva Templates inside of the shop that you can customize for your business or brand to create a cohesive look in your Instagram feed.


want access to 1,500+ templates?

Join Your Template Club to get access to Canva templates designed to grow engagement and sales!


Manu Muraro is the founder of Your Social Team, an Instagram training membership and template shop that help social media managers and Instagram-savvy small business owners to grow engagement and sales using Instagram and content marketing, without the overwhelm. Born and raised in Brazil, Manu moved to the U.S. in 2000 right out of college to work for Cartoon Network, where she made an award winning career in creative and strategy. In 2021, Manu started Your Template Club, a Canva template subscription service to help social media professionals and Canva-savvy business owners to create content that performs on Instagram, add more Instagram features into their strategy, such as Instagram Lives and Reels, and save time.


How to Use the Background Effect In Canva To Make Your Text Standout


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