A Guide on Threads: How to Add Instagram's New App Into an Existing Social Media Strategy

Get ready for the latest addition to Mark Zuckerberg's Meta empire - Threads, a Twitter-like app. With over 30 million users within 24 hours, this platform poses a significant challenge to competitors like Twitter and may even threaten Elon Musk's recently acquired platform. 

As a small business owner or a social media manager, understanding the potential impact of Threads on social media strategies is crucial. Unlike other short-lived trending platforms, Threads has the potential to become a staple in social media strategies and digital content creation ecosystems.

Here's what you need to know about incorporating Threads into your social media strategy.

“Should I join the platform so soon? Or wait for Threads to die down a bit?

In our opinion, the answer is a resounding YES! Why?

  • First, it's incredibly quick to set up. By downloading the app and connecting through Instagram accounts, you can be up and running in minutes. 

  • Second, Threads is currently buzzing with activity, boasting millions of active users, making it a perfect time to join and be top-of-mind. 

  • Third, its user-friendly interface requires no learning curve, allowing you to effortlessly post text-driven content, add captivating visuals, and even include clickable links, similar to Twitter.

The seamless integration and straightforward onboarding process make Threads an ideal addition to your social media strategy. And at the same time there's no pressure to produce perfect content immediately; we can all focus on building conversations within a community.

“Ok, but how do I grow my audience on Threads?”

This is where Threads stands out from other platforms, making it a compelling option to add into your content creation ecosystem. When users create a Threads account, they have the option to follow the same accounts they currently follow on Instagram. This seamless transition allows you to take your existing Instagram community with you to Threads.

By joining Threads early on, you gain a competitive advantage in terms of being discovered and followed before the platform reaches the billions of users that Instagram currently has. The ability to tap into an existing Instagram following eliminates the need to start from scratch and worry about brand awareness on a new platform.

"Is Threads Connected to my Instagram Account?"

Threads is integrated with Instagram, and you can manage your Threads account independently without affecting your Instagram profile. Mosseri himself confirms this connection, ensuring you can deactivate your Threads account, set profiles to private, and delete individual posts without impacting your Instagram presence.

But you CANNOT delete your Threads account without deleting your Instagram account. They are currently working to fix this problem. 


The interconnectedness of the platforms enhances growth opportunities. A public Threads profile can be displayed on your Instagram account, allowing for cross-promotion. A visible Threads profile link at the top of your Instagram profile directs your followers to Threads, and content from Threads can be easily shared on Instagram Stories and in the feed.

Threads and Instagram work harmoniously together, offering a unique advantage to enhance your social media presence.

"What Should We Post on Threads?"

You don't necessarily have to post anything at all, although experimentation is encouraged. Threads revolve around conversations, encouraging people to engage with their community rather than simply broadcasting content. However, to get started, here are three prompts to help your clients make an impactful entry into Threads:

While Threads primarily focuses on text-based content, clients can enhance their posts by attaching attention-grabbing photos, videos, and links. With up to 500 characters at their disposal, they can effectively deliver their messages. Don't hesitate to utilize eye-catching templates and graphics for added visual appeal.

"How Much Should I Post on Threads?"

The posting frequency on Threads depends on various factors, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer at the moment. It's important to remember that Threads is a time-consuming app. As a small business owner we encourage you to find a balance:

  • Option One: dedicate a few minutes each day to scroll, like, or repost content 

  • Option Two: allocate an hour for creating, commenting, and engaging in conversations. 

  • Option Three: somewhere in between these options, spread out throughout the day

Ultimately, the choice should align with your goals and resources, considering that Threads is still in its early stages and may feel overwhelming. REMINDER: do not allocate excessive time to Threads at the expense of other crucial aspects of your businesses and lives.

“How can I switch between accounts in Threads?”

Unfortunately, but not surprisingly for now, it's the old school log out from one account and log in to the other again and again. We think this will change pretty quickly though. Just as with Instagram, we think they will make improvements as the platform evolves.

If you're a contractor or social media manager, this is for you…

I am sure your client’s want to add Threads into their social media strategies right away. But you need to  communicate to your existing clients that while Threads is here, you are starting to offer it as an add-on service to your scope. 

YES - you need to charge more for this service. They don’t get your expertise and your time for free. Use the following script and prompt to talk to your client’s about adding this into their social media strategies as you help them navigate this new platform: 

“Hi [client], You may have heard Instagram just launched their new social media app, Threads. Threads is their version of Twitter, and facilitates great connection and conversations with our audiences. Jumping on it quickly will allow us to grow faster and get ahead before it’s overly saturated.

We/I am now offering Threads as an add-on service that we can include in your scope starting on [date]. For an extra fee of [enter here your fee] we can get started asap.”

And you also don’t want this content to go to waste! You can repurpose Threads content onto other social media platforms you manage for your clients! Follow the tutorial below, and check out our Canva templates!

As a small business owner you can  leverage Threads effectively, you can elevate your social media strategies and strengthen your online presence. Embrace the opportunities Threads presents while maximizing its potential.

Join Us on Threads - @YOURTEMPLATECLUB



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Manu Muraro is the founder of Your Social Team, an Instagram training membership and template shop that help social media managers and Instagram-savvy small business owners to grow engagement and sales using Instagram and content marketing, without the overwhelm. Born and raised in Brazil, Manu moved to the U.S. in 2000 right out of college to work for Cartoon Network, where she made an award winning career in creative and strategy. In 2021, Manu started Your Template Club, a Canva template subscription service to help social media professionals and Canva-savvy business owners to create content that performs on Instagram, add more Instagram features into their strategy, such as Instagram Lives and Reels, and save time.




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